



模組 輸入法
fcitx5-chewing 新酷音輸入法
fcitx5-mcbopomofo 小麥注音輸入法
fcitx5-table-boshiamy 嘸蝦米輸入法
fcitx5-table-easy-large 輕鬆輸入法


Arch Wiki


  • #16」 - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) Released
  • #41」 - Ubuntu與嘸蝦米: 在fcitx下,(boshiamy)嘸蝦米的使用最為順暢、穩定!(新酷音、m17n、倉頡、輕鬆法亦適用)
  • #1」 - fcitx5-mcbopomofo: 小麥注音輸入法 fcitx5 模組
  • Github / fcitx5 / Discussions


apt-cache search fcitx5 | sort


fcitx5-anthy - Fcitx5 wrapper for Anthy IM engine
fcitx5-chewing - Chewing input method support for fcitx5
fcitx5-chinese-addons-bin - Chinese-related addon for fcitx5 (binary tools)
fcitx5-chinese-addons - Chinese-related addon for fcitx5 (metapackage)
fcitx5-chinese-addons-data - Chinese-related addon for fcitx5 (shared data files)
fcitx5-config-qt - configuration tool for Fcitx5 (Qt version)
fcitx5-data - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (common data files)
fcitx5-frontend-gtk2 - GTK2 IM Module for fcitx5
fcitx5-frontend-gtk3 - GTK3 IM Module for fcitx5
fcitx5-frontend-gtk4 - GTK4 IM Module for fcitx5
fcitx5-frontend-qt5 - IM module for fcitx5
fcitx5-hangul - Hangul input method wrapper for fcitx5
fcitx5-keyman - Fcitx5 wrapper for Keyman keyboarding platform
fcitx5-kkc - Fcitx5 wrapper for libkkc IM engine
fcitx5-libthai - Thai input method engine for Fcitx5 based on LibThai
fcitx5-m17n - m17n support module for Fcitx5 Input Method Framework
fcitx5-material-color - UI theme for fcitx5 following Material Design
fcitx5-module-chttrans - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (chttrans module)
fcitx5-module-cloudpinyin-dev - Development files for fcitx5 cloudpinyin module
fcitx5-module-cloudpinyin - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (cloudpinyin module)
fcitx5-module-emoji - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (emoji module)
fcitx5-module-fullwidth - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (fullwidth module)
fcitx5-module-lua-common - Lua support for fcitx5 (common files)
fcitx5-module-lua-dev - Lua support for fcitx5 (development files)
fcitx5-module-lua - Lua support for fcitx5
fcitx5-module-pinyinhelper-dev - Development files for fcitx5 pinyinhelper module
fcitx5-module-pinyinhelper - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (pinyinhelper module)
fcitx5-module-punctuation-dev - Development files for fcitx5 punctuation module
fcitx5-module-punctuation - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (punctuation module)
fcitx5-module-quickphrase - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (quickphrase module)
fcitx5-modules-dev - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (input modules dev files)
fcitx5-modules - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (core modules)
fcitx5-module-wayland - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (wayland modules)
fcitx5-module-xorg - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (xorg modules)
fcitx5-mozc - Mozc engine for fcitx5 - Client of the Mozc input method
fcitx5 - Next generation of Fcitx Input Method Framework
fcitx5-pinyin - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (builtin pinyin support)
fcitx5-rime - Rime input method support for fcitx5
fcitx5-sayura - Fcitx5 wrapper for Sayura IM engine
fcitx5-skk - Japanese SKK input engine for Fcitx5
fcitx5-table-amharic - Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Amharic table
fcitx5-table-arabic - Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Arabic table
fcitx5-table-cns11643 - Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Cns11643 table
fcitx5-table-compose - Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Compose table
fcitx5-table-emoji - Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Emoji table
fcitx5-table - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (builtin table support)
fcitx5-table-ipa-x-sampa - Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - IPA-X-SAMPA table
fcitx5-table-latex - Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - LaTeX table
fcitx5-table-malayalam-phonetic - Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Malayalam phonetic table
fcitx5-table-other - Additional table based input method for Fcitx 5
fcitx5-table-rustrad - Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Rustrad table
fcitx5-table-tamil-remington - Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Tamil Remington table
fcitx5-table-thai - Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Thai table
fcitx5-table-translit - Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Translit table
fcitx5-table-translit-ua - Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Ukrainian Translit table
fcitx5-table-viqr - Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Viqr table
fcitx5-table-yawerty - Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Yawerty table
fcitx5-unikey - Vietnamese Input Method Engine for Fcitx5 using Unikey Engine
gir1.2-fcitxg-1.0 - GObject introspection data for fcitx5
kde-config-fcitx5 - KDE configuration module for Fcitx5
libfcitx5config6 - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (config library)
libfcitx5config-dev - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (config library dev files)
libfcitx5core7 - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (core library)
libfcitx5core-dev - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (core library dev files)
libfcitx5gclient2 - GLib-based D-Bus client library for fcitx5 (library)
libfcitx5gclient-dev - GLib-based D-Bus client library for fcitx5 (development files)
libfcitx5-qt1 - Qt library and IM module for fcitx5
libfcitx5-qt-data - Qt library and IM module for fcitx5 (data files)
libfcitx5-qt-dev - Qt library and IM module for fcitx5 (development files)
libfcitx5utils2 - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (utils library)
libfcitx5utils-dev - Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (utils library dev files)
libime-bin - Generic Input Method Implementation (tools)
libimecore0 - Generic Input Method Implementation (core library)
libimecore-dev - Generic Input Method Implementation (core dev files)
libime-data - Generic Input Method Implementation library (data files)
libime-data-language-model - Generic Input Method Implementation library (language model)
libimepinyin0 - Generic Input Method Implementation (pinyin library)
libimepinyin-dev - Generic Input Method Implementation (pinyin dev files)
libimetable0 - Generic Input Method Implementation (table library)
libimetable-dev - Generic Input Method Implementation (table dev files)



apt-cache search fcitx5 | sort | awk -F ' - ' '{print "* ["$1"](https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/"$1")"}'


apt-cache search fcitx5 | sort | awk -F ' - ' '{print "* [url=https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/"$1"]"$1"[/url]"}'

Table of contents