


apt-cache search cursor-theme


dmz-cursor-theme - Style neutral, scalable cursor theme
libxcursor1 - X cursor management library
xcursor-themes - Base X cursor themes
breeze-cursor-theme - Default Plasma cursor theme
chameleon-cursor-theme - modern but not gaudy X11 mouse theme
oxygen-cursor-theme - Oxygen mouse cursor theme
oxygen-cursor-theme-extra - Oxygen mouse cursor theme - extra colors
phinger-cursor-theme - The most over-engineered cursor theme


apt-cache search xcursor


libxcursor-dev - X cursor management library (development files)
libxcursor1 - X cursor management library
x11-apps - X applications
xcursor-themes - Base X cursor themes
comixcursors-lefthanded - X11 mouse pointer themes with a comic art feeling (LH, translucent)
comixcursors-lefthanded-opaque - X11 mouse pointer themes with a comic art feeling (LH, opaque)
comixcursors-righthanded - X11 mouse pointer themes with a comic art feeling (RH, translucent)
comixcursors-righthanded-opaque - X11 mouse pointer themes with a comic art feeling (RH, opaque)
librust-x11-dev - X11 library bindings for Rust - Rust source code
libxcb-cursor-dev - utility libraries for X C Binding -- cursor, development files
libxcb-cursor0 - utility libraries for X C Binding -- cursor