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System Modeling

Quick Start



Keybind Action Command
Alt + Shift + f Launch File Manager pcmanfm-qt
Alt + Shift + g Launch File Manager thunar
Alt + Shift + a Launch Terminal sakura -m
Alt + Enter Launch Terminal sakura -m

Window Control

Keybind Action
Win + q Close Window
Win + w Window Maximize

[Close Window] Normal Keybind [Alt + F4]。

Keybind Action
Win + f Window FullScreen
Win + d Toggle Show Desktop

[Window FullScreen] Normal Keybind [F11]。

Client Menu

Keybind Action
Alt + Space Toggle Show [Client Menu]

Window Move

Mousebind Action
Win + [Mouse Left Click Drag] Window Move
Keybind Action
Win + e Window Begin Move

Window Resize

Mousebind Action
Win + [Mouse Right Click Drag] Window Resize
Keybind Action
Win + r Window Begin Resize

Window Switch

Keybind Action
Win + a Focus Previous Window
Win + s Focus Next Window

[Window Switch] Normal Keybind [Alt + Tab]

Workspace Switch

Workspace Circle Switch

Keybind Action
Alt + a Switch to Previous Workspace
Alt + s Switch to Next Workspace
Keybind Action
Alt + z Switch to Prior Workspace

Workspace Specific Switch

Keybind Action
Alt + Ctrl + 1 Switch to Workspace 1 (File)
Alt + Ctrl + 2 Switch to Workspace 2 (Edit)
Alt + Ctrl + 3 Switch to Workspace 3 (Web)
Alt + Ctrl + 4 Switch to Workspace 4 (Term)
Alt + Ctrl + 5 Switch to Workspace 5 (Misc)

Window Move to Specific Workspace

Keybind Action
Alt + Shift + 1 Window Move to Workspace 1 (File)
Alt + Shift + 2 Window Move to Workspace 2 (Edit)
Alt + Shift + 3 Window Move to Workspace 3 (Web)
Alt + Shift + 4 Window Move to Workspace 4 (Term)
Alt + Shift + 5 Window Move to Workspace 5 (Misc)

Further Reading [With Number Key]

or [Alt + number] to [Switch Workspace]

or [Win + number] to [Switch Window」

Application Launch

Keybind Action
Alt + F1 Toggle Show MainMenu
Alt + F2 Toggle Show RunDialog


Keybind Action Command
Alt + Shift + d Launch Rofi rofi -show drun -show-icons
Alt + Shift + w Launch Rofi rofi -show window -show-icons
Alt + Shift + r Launch Rofi rofi -show run

Launch Favorite Application

Keybind Action Command
Alt + Enter Launch Terminal sakura -m
Alt + Shift + a Launch Terminal sakura -m
Alt + Shift + y Dropdown Terminal xfce4-terminal --drop-down
Alt + Shift + f Launch File Manager pcmanfm-qt
Alt + Shift + g Launch File Manager thunar
Alt + Shift + e Launch Text Editor mousepad
Alt + Shift + b Launch Web Browser firefox
Alt + Shift + v Launch Volume Control mate-volume-control
Alt + Shift + s Launch Control Center mate-control-center

[firefox] can use [firefox --new-tab about:blank]

System Exit

Keybind Action
Alt + Shift + x Logout Dialog
Alt + Shift + z Shutdown Dialog

Configuration Reload

Keybind Action
Alt + Shift + c Configuration Reload

Volume Control

Keybind Action Command
Alt + m Volume Toggle Mute amixer -q -D pulse sset Master Toggle
Alt + Shift + < Volume Decrease amixer -q -D pulse sset Master 5%- unmute
Alt + Shift + > Volume Increase amixer -q -D pulse sset Master 5%+ unmute

Monitor Brightness

Keybind Action Command
Alt + Shift + [ Decrease Screen Brightness brightnessctl set 5%-
Alt + Shift + ] Increase Screen Brightness brightnessctl set +5%


Keybind Action Command
Alt + w Wallpaper Shuf feh --bg-fill --randomize ~/Pictures/Wallpaper
Alt + Ctrl + w Wallpaper Default feh --bg-fill ~/Pictures/Wallpaper/default.jpg

Helper: [wallpaper-select]


Keybind Action Command
Print Screenshot scrot
Alt + Print Screenshot Selected Area scrot -s

Input Method

Keybind Action
Ctrl + Space Switch Input Method

Direction Key

Key Key Key
Up k grave
Down j Tab
Left h a
Right l s

grave means ` (~)

Modifier key

Key Alias Alias Alias
Alt Mod1    
Win Mod4 Super Meta
Ctrl   Control  