

按鍵組合 功能 執行指令
Print 螢幕截圖 grimshot save screen
Alt + Print 選取目標物件截圖 grimshot save anything
Win + Print 目前聚焦視窗截圖 grimshot save active
Ctrl + Print 選取螢幕畫面區塊截圖 grimshot save area
bind = , Print, exec, grimshot save screen

bind = ALT , Print, exec, grimshot save anything

bind = SUPER , Print, exec, grimshot save active

bind = CTRL , Print, exec, grimshot save area

grimshot 用法


grimshot usage


  grimshot [--notify] [--cursor] [--wait N] (copy|save) [active|screen|output|area|window|anything] [FILE|-]
  grimshot check
  grimshot usage

  copy: Copy the screenshot data into the clipboard.
  save: Save the screenshot to a regular file or '-' to pipe to STDOUT.
  savecopy: Save the screenshot to a regular file and copy the data into the clipboard.
  check: Verify if required tools are installed and exit.
  usage: Show this message and exit.

  active: Currently active window.
  screen: All visible outputs.
  output: Currently active output.
  area: Manually select a region.
  window: Manually select a window.
  anything: Manually select an area, window, or output.